1. Introduction
A. Matthew 16:13-15
B. What is the purpose of the gospels?
1 To present Jesus as the Christ, the son of God and to cause belief in Him as the one who came to die for our sins.
2 To provide an accurate account of the ministry of Jesus.
3 To preserve His teachings for all who believe in Him.
C. Why are they different?
1 Synoptics and John
2 Different audiences
3 Matthew & Mark are grouped around Parables, Miracles, etc.; Luke is Chronological.
4 So the Message, not the words, would matter.
D. General Information:
1 Show map of Jesus' life travels
2. Matthew -The great sermons of Christ: (Sermon on the mount)
A. Beatitudes - Those of godly character will be blessed.
B. Murder/Adultery are sins of the heart
C. Don't ever swear (oaths)
D. Go the second mile/turn the other cheek
E. Love your enemies
F. Actions must come from good/pure motives
G. Model prayer
H. Serve God first and He will provide for you
I. Do not judge
J. Must obey God to enter Kingdom of Heaven
3. Mark -The Kingdom teaching of Christ
A. Mark 1:14,15 Jesus came preaching the Kingdom of God...is at hand
B. 4:1-20 Seed & Sower
C. 4:11 It is given unto you to know the mystery of the kingdom of Heaven.
D. 4:30-32 Parable of the Mustard Seed
E. 9:1 Kingdom will come with power before all of you die.
F. 9:47 Pluck out your eyes to enter the Kingdom
G. 10:13-16 Must be as a child to enter Kingdom
H. 12:28-34 Wise in scripture = near the Kingdom
I. 14:22-26 Last Supper - Not again until in the Kingdom
4. Luke
A. The purpose for the book of Luke
B. Koran, Book of Mormon, Lost books of the Bible
C. 1:1-4 Written to provide an accurate chronological account of what happened to Jesus
5. John -The miracles of Christ
A. 2:1-11 Wedding at Cana, Water to wine
B. 4:46-54 Healing the Nobleman's son
C. 5:1-16 Crippled man at pool of Bethesda
D. 6:1-15 Feeding the 5000
E. 6:16-21 Walking on water
F. 9:1-41 Healing the man born blind
G. 11:1-46 Raising Lazarus from the dead
H. 21:6-11 Great catch of fishes
6. Conclusion
A. Jesus with the people
1 Matthew 9:20-22 Women who touched the hem of His garment.
2 Mark 14:3-9 Mary with the Spikenard perfume
3 Luke 23:39-43 The criminal on the cross
4 John 3:1-5 (19:38-41) Nicodemus
B. Jesus lived for us too.
1 Jn.20:30,31 Written so you would believe
2 Jn.17:14-26 Jesus prayed for we who believe