Israel gets a King

1 Samuel

1. Whom did Samuel appoint as judges over Israel? (8:1-4)

2. Why was this a problem?

3. How did the people want to solve the problem?

4. Who did God say they were rejecting? and Why did He say that? (8:7-8)

5. What did Saul look like? (9:1-2)

6. Who did he tell Saul to look for at the Philistine Garrison? (10:2-8)

7. Summarize what Samuel told them at Mizpah. (10:17-20)

8. Was Saul there and eager to take his place as King? (10:21-24) Explain:

9. Read Samuel's sermon at Saul's Coronation. (12:1-15)

10. Does he rebuke them or comfort them?

11. What sign did Samuel call for and God deliver? (12:16-18)

12. What foolish thing did Saul do? Why? (13:1-15)

13. What was Saul's punishment? (13:13-14)

14. Why were there no weapons in Israel? (13:16-22)

15. Compare the Saul in 11:12-13 to the one described in 14:24-44?

16. Who saved Jonathan? (14:45)

17. Saul let the power of his position go to his head. He became self-reliant instead of
reliant on God. Are you ever that way?

18. What could Saul have done to help him keep his heart right?